December 2015 in Review


As you may know I took a break from blogging the past month, not due to burn out but due to the busy holiday season. Holidays are a big deal in my family, and I absolute love them! Sometimes a little too much as I may have stretched myself a little thin and am know feeling the pure exhaustion from the past month.

So what have I been up to you ask?

The month started out with just prepping and planning for Holiday parties. Since I am the Room mother for my son’s Kindergarten class, that came with a lot of responsibility. We decided to have the kids make ornaments as one activity but we knew we would not have time for them to put them together and paint them. Let’s be honest Kindergartens with paint and glue is a major disaster. So we tried to minimize that as much as possible. I spent days putting together the ornaments that way all the kids had to due during their winter party was decorate them. We didn’t have a lot of help from parent volunteers, so the party went as well as it could with 40+ kids. I wanted to pass out and die after the party was all said and done and cursing myself for getting myself into this. Then you see the kids after and how excited they are and it makes the pure insanity worth it. I just have to go home and have a strong drink after 🙂


That was not my only party being partially in charge of, we have an annual family Christmas where all the family comes together. It’s about the only time we can actually get everyone together. There are only a few of us that seem to take charge and put this together or it probably wouldn’t happen, but that’s ok party planning is not everyone’s cup of tea. I happen to really enjoy party planning. The Party is always a good time, this year we had a potluck of food, a hot chocolate bar, games, a family talent show, ugly sweater contests, and a special visit from Santa Claus.
This is my cute son’s dance he did for the talent show, he takes hip-hop lessons and loves to dance. He learned this all on his own.



We attended our friends annual Christmas party, this is an adults only party which is the best time! This year they added a couples Lip Sync Battle to the party, so we all had plenty even notice. Except my husband and I couldn’t agree on anything so we finally through something together just hours before the party. We did “Pretty Girls” by Britney Spears and Iggy Azalea. My husband was a good sport and let me teach him some choreography and he even wore a wig.

Then it was Christmas time, Christmas Eve is pretty mellow. We always do dinner at my parents house, then after dinner we played games and opened our Christmas pajamas. This is a family favorite tradition my parents have been doing since I was little. I now continue the tradition with my family. I always try to find something fun or silly. This year we all had Star Wars pajamas since my 6 year old is obsessed with Star Wars. Then we came home and my son was so excited he barely wanted to leave cookies out for Santa, he was ready for bed. Usually after he goes to sleep, I would be up all night wrapping gifts. This year I got my wrapping done in advance, and it was a Christmas Miracle! I have no idea why I have put myself through sleep depravation each year barely being able to show my excitement Christmas morning due to no sleep. It was so nice feeling rested and ready to do it all Christmas Day.


Christmas morning my parents come over to watch my son open his presents since he is the only grandchild. As we all know kids make Christmas and without them it just loses its magic. After presents are all opened, I always like to do a fun Christmas Breakfast. This year I did a couple quiches and a waffle bar. It was fun having so many varieties of yummy toppings.

Christmas was magical as always, my son is so fun to watch and makes us all smile and laugh. I hope you all had a magical Christmas as well!

Linking With:

Run Jump Scrap!

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