Quote of the Week #20


I was having a hard time picking a quote this week, but I decided since it is my birthday week and I’m dealing with getting another year older that this was a good quote.

When I look back at being young and how I imagined my life would be when I got older, it’s amazing how different you become from that person. Even my goals from being a teen to a young adult and now a mom and wife.

You definitely become more self aware and I think more confident because you understand what’s really important in life. In growing up I’ve definitely learned how important family is and having great friends. When your young its all about having friends but as you get older you realize its not about the amount of friends its the quality of the friendship.

When I was younger I swore I didn’t want kids and I wanted a career, well that’s not at all what happened. I think the teenage me would die of shock seeing how different we’ve become. I couldn’t be more satisfied with life, being a domesticated goddess and a mom.

What are your thoughts on growing up and what you have learned? I would love to hear.

Linking up,

Cuddle Fairy

Dynamics of being Volunteer Mom at School


My son started Kindergarten this year, which was a hard adjustment for me getting used to my baby going to school. During school sign ups I signed up for the PTA (Parent Teacher Association), classroom volunteer, and Room Mother. I have mixed feeling about public school in the state I live in and we are not known for having the best education, so I decided I wanted to be as involved at the school as I could so I could better understand the needs of our children at school.

Well I was chosen to be Room Mother for my son’s Kindergarten class, which I am very excited about. Although after meeting with my son’s teacher I had no idea what I had really gotten myself into. I thought the Room moms where in charge of planning all the fun activities like Halloween parties. Nope, there is more you have to coordinate parent volunteers to come in and help with reading groups and other educational activities as well as working with the kids. You are basically a teacher’s aide with no pay. Not that it’s a bad thing don’t get me wrong, and I have actually been enjoying helping out in the classroom.

I have also been learning about the mom clicks that exist in the school, it’s almost as if I’m back in High School again. It’s almost amusing to watch at times that even as adults this dynamic of clicks still exists.


I’m sure its different state to state but as you know I am from Utah and most people are LDS here, and the first question most people ask you who are from Utah is “What ward are you in?” or “Where did you serve your mission?”. I’m sure some of you are googling what I am even talking about right now, but growing up here my entire life it’s a question I have grown tired of and wonder if people from Utah know how to start a conversation any other way when they first meet you.

My point to that long explanation is that here there is a click dynamic based on religion, all the Mom volunteers all know each other well and it’s not due to their children going to the same school. It’s because they all go to the same church (ward). They very much stick to their click and so far from what I have experience barely speak to you. I definitely feel like the odd man out at the volunteer meetings and planning sessions.

Not that I care to be in the “It” crowd, but as an adult I would hope there is more to life than only being able to speak to the people who go to the same church as you or being able to have a conversation that involves something other than what has been going on at church.

Then there is the “uncool” mom crowd (this does not literally mean we are not cool or great moms we just don’t fit the “It” crowd stereotype here), which is where I fit at this time we are the ones who do not go to church and get the judgmental looks. I especially love after they ask me what ward we are in and I tell them “We are not LDS”. That pretty much ends the conversation with that mom, they only again talk to you if they have to in regards to something about the school for the meeting.

So far I have felt like a third wheel at most meeting and the events I have volunteered at, but I am outgoing so I pretty much just put myself out there and I am not afraid to ask questions. I am there for the kids not to be part of a click or there for social hour so it’s not a big deal.


I just hope that as I begin to learn these school mom dynamics that this will change throughout the year. I am all for the positive women movements that are being pushed for and for us to stop judging and shaming each other, and the need to put a stop to the clicks that are still going on in our adult lives.

I am not really sure how to affect it in the school mom dynamic other than I am friendly to everyone and do not judge them for doing what they do and believing what they believe. So I guess that is a start right?

Your overwhelmed,

new logo


Modern Dad Pages
Best of Worst
Domesticated Momster

I hate Swimsuit shopping!!! It’s Social Media’s fault


Yes you heard it right I hate Swimsuit shopping, this coming from a person who would be happy having a job as a personal shopper. I have not worn a swimsuit in 5 years since having my son, as most moms know we tend not to feel at your sexiest right after having a baby. I am not one of those superhuman moms that did not get stretch marks and bounced right back to my old body. I gained a lot weight and got stretch marks in places I did not know I could even get them 😦

I was determined to lose the weight after having my son and I did lose most of it, however the last 2 years I’ve struggled to get the last 20lbs off. Like everyone I’ve tried trendy diets and exercises that I did not stick with. However in June things changed my husband and I joined in on a weight loss challenge with some friends. We both decided enough was enough we were tired of being tired all the time. We both were very physically fit when we were younger and in good shape when we met. So we have been making a lifestyle change since the challenge started in June. I’m happy to report we are seeing very good results, even with it being hard. I feel motivated to keep going and it’s all started to become habit for the both of us and we look forward to working out and we do not even miss the junk food.


So now to the topic at hand, we are going to Mexico this fall and going to be staying on some beautiful beaches. My panic set in the other day when I realized I have to buy a swimsuit and I am not to my fitness goal yet. I hope to be there by the time we go but that’s beside the point. I realized after looking through hundreds of swimsuits online and feeling very down about how I can cover my body with a swimsuit and not look like I’m wearing a wet suit.

I came to the conclusion of why should I care that I cannot wear a bikini any longer (I guess I could but not sure I am that brave, LOL) I had a baby and I should be proud of that. I blame Hollywood and the media for brain washing us all that we are required to look like a Victoria Secret’s model to wear a swimsuit and feel good about it.

Who cares what size you are, if you have stretch marks, cellulite, or a muffin top? These are what real women have and look like, we all come in many shapes and sizes and we are all beautiful. It’s become acceptable for men to keep their dad bod and flaunt it on the beach but why are we judged for our mommy body. Good hell, we had to keep another human alive inside our body for nine months!

I think we need to see more real women in the media to model fashion and stop with the airbrushing so young girls can see that we are all beautiful and the pressure needs to stop that we have to be the skinniest girl in the room to be beautiful. As women we also need to stop judging one another and making it a competition for perfection, we need to support each other and make each other feel beautiful.

body quote

Yes I am trying to lose weight and get in shape but its not because I need to be the skinniest, its because I want to feel good. I already have more energy and feel better that’s payment enough. No matter how skinny I do get I am still going to have stretch marks and wider hips. I’m not going to let this bother me, I will find a swimsuit and stop feeling bad about myself because I have nothing to be ashamed of.

So join me this summer and don’t be afraid to go to the pool or beach in that swimsuit, let’s celebrate how beautiful we all our because we are unique and end the judgment. Stop worrying about what social media says you should look like and just be you and happy with you. I want you to give a compliment to another woman next time you are out, you will make their day and we will spread the love of making each know we are all beautiful.

Modern Dad Pages
My Random Musings
Epic Mommy Adventures

Which type of Drunk are you?


I was watching the Today Show the other day when they were talking about a study recently released by the University of Missouri breaking the types of drunks into 4 distinct groups. You can read their full findings here, Addiction Research & Theory. I found this study amusing because my husband and I had recently just talked about this how people have certain personalities come out when they drink.

Here is the 4 types of drunk the study says there is:

Hemingway: This type of drunk can drink a lot but shows little sign they are intoxicated and very little change in their personality.

Mary Poppins: This group is the sweet, responsible drinkers and tend to have less alcohol related problems.

Mr. Hyde: Just like Mr. Hyde this groups darker side tends to come out when they drink, and they have a tendency to be less responsible, and can be more hostile.

The Nutty Professor: This group tends to be more introverted when sober, then become more extraverted when drinking.


I think this is a pretty good description of most types of drunks. I definitely fall into the Hemingway category, anytime we are drinking with family and friends I get told I need to drink more. My friends don’t believe me that I am drunk because my personality barely changes I am still laid back, collected me. Believe me for my size and weight I can drink a lot and still really no big change.

I was trying to decide what group my husband fits into, and he doesn’t really fit any. He’s one person I love to drink with because he’s fun, crazy, and never angry or too emotional. But he tends to be those things without alcohol. So maybe he’s a good mix of the Nutty Professor and Hemingway.

I would love to hear what you think about these groups and what category you think you fit in?

Thanks for reading,

A Sober (at the moment) Domesticated Goddess

Linking up with

Modern Dad Pages

Do not count on the Microchip when your pet is lost here’s why


This week we had the traumatic experience of having our chocolate lab get out of our back yard and was missing. The day started off busy running the kids to appointments and I had a pest control company coming out to do their quarterly spray so I went home and put the dogs in their crates since some people are nervous around big dogs. The bug guy did his thing and left for the day, I was doing some cleaning around the house so I had asked my youngest to go let the dogs outside. So like a good boy he helped me out and let them dogs out.

It had been about an hour since letting them outside when I went to take the trash out, I opened the back door and my German Shepherd was barking at me in a strange upset bark and pacing. When I walked around to the side of the house I saw the back gate was open and then I realized where is my Chocolate Lab? My heart sank to my stomach and I called out for her, she did not come. I walked out to the street no sign of her, I went into full panic mode not knowing how long she had been gone. My dogs are always very good and stay in the yard  with us so I was surprised that she was gone.

I ran in the house in a panic yelling at my son to come on we had to go get in the car that our dog was missing and called my husband. We climbed in the car and drove slowly through our neighborhood calling for her, I hoped she had just gone to the park not far from our house where we take the dogs for walks but no sign of her. I was kicking myself for not checking the gate and realized my dogs did not have their collars on. I do have them microchipped but if someone doesn’t take it to be scanned its hopeless I thought.

My eldest son took our other dog on a leash and also walked the neighborhood. After searching for an hour my panic set in more, we live not far from a busy street and if something happened to her we would be devastated. My Chocolate Lab is the sweetest dog and so well behaved you couldn’t ask for a better temperament in a dog.

I had see different missing pet groups on Facebook in my area so I posted a lost dog page on their Missing Pets page and asked my friends to please share. I also started calling local animal shelters to see if she had been picked up yet and there was nothing. Hours went by and we found nothing and heard nothing, I was a mess crying and feeling horrible.

It had dawned on me to try calling the local animal clinics, if she had been hurt then maybe someone would take her there. I called a few and still no luck. They were kind and took down my information in case someone did bring her in. I decided to try one more on the list and I called and to my shock they had just had a lady bring in about an 8 year old female chocolate lab with no tags and no microchip (I’ll get back to this part) found down at the park near our house. I knew that had to my dog, the animal clinic told me they had scanned for a chip but nothing came up so they advised the lady who found our dog to take her to the Humane Society in the morning instead of her going to a local animal shelter.

They said she should still have my dog and gave me her information, I hurried and hung and called. It felt like the phone rang for an eternity then a woman answered much to my relief. I told her that I believed she had my dog and she made me give her a description to ensure I was not some random person trying to take a dog. She told me the story of how her daughter was walking home from the Park and saw two dogs a German Shepherd and a Chocolate Lab ( I almost fell off my chair when she told me this because if you remember I said my German Shepherd was home when I found out the other dog was missing. She had come back home all on her own) my lab had followed her daughter home and the shepherd took off the other way. So the lady gave her some water then took her to the local animal hospital to see if she had a chip which nothing came up on the scan.

The lady only lived a few streets over from me so we hopped in the car and ran off to get off dog back. When we pulled up the lady came out to great us and I broke into tears thanking her so much for taking care of our dog. I was so relieved to find her I don’t know what I would have done if we lost her. My Lab was so happy to see and couldn’t wait to get in the car.

So I’m sure some of you are scolding me saying well idiot you should have had their collars on. Yea I should have but my dogs won’t run away to run away I could walk them without a leash no problem. Plus I knew that if their collars did come off or get lost we had them both microchipped. Well if you remember the clinic told me they scanned for her chip and nothing showed up. I was dumb founded you spend the money to have these put in your dog in case of this type of situation and the chip isn’t showing up! WTF!

So I immediately called the Vet where I had the implants done and sure enough they had record of them and when I told them what had happened they didn’t seem to think it was a big deal. They told me sometimes the chips go bad and they can move, but I could bring her in and they would test the chip. If the chip had gone bad then I could just pay another $45 dollars to get a new one in. Are you freaking kidding me! I was told that this chip the “Home Again Chip” would last the life of my dog and it had an anti-migration feature to keep it from moving. I get electronics can go bad, but you want me to pay to replace the damn thing because its faulty!

Things I have learned from this experience:

1. Always keep your dogs collar with updated tags on them

2. Do not rely on the microchip, many Veterinarian’s use different brands and different brands require different types of scanners so even though yours may be working the place they are taking my not be able to scan for yours.

3. Also have your dog’s microchip checked periodically to ensure it’s placement and that it is still working.

4. Their are great sites on Facebook and local adds that you can post to for missing pets in your area, utilize social media word travels fast!

5. Call local animal shelters and also local Veterinary Clinics to see if your pet is there.

Thanks for reading,

One happy dog owner 🙂

Modern Dad Pages
Domestic Momster

Officially One Year of being a Domesticated Goddess


Wow, where has the time gone? This time last year I was saying goodbye to my job as manager at a large corporation and getting ready to explore my new life as a Domesticated Goddess (stay at home mom). If you are not sure what I mean by Domesticated Goddess go on and read my About Me.

I was excited to spend more time with my little guy since he is going to be the only child my husband and I have together, it was really important to me to spend more of my time on being a mother than it was working all the time. My stepson was also living with us now and I was unable to attend his football games due to work and I felt like I was missing out on many opportunities that as a mom I should be doing and not always being consumed with a stressful job.

I was also very scared, I have not, not had a job since I was a teenager. Was I going to go stir crazy? What would I do all day? I had some common misconceptions that stay at home mom’s probably watched a lot of TV.


It took a few months to get in the swing of things and find a routine for my little guy and me. That is probably my most important tip to anyone who is making the transition keep yourself in a routine or you can find yourself in a funk. I was driving my husband a little crazy cause I would stay up late since I did not have to go to work and I am more a night owl anyway. I realized I was being inconsiderate, my husband works so hard all day and comes home tries to go to bed and then gets up early to do it all again.

I made the decision to start getting up in the morning with my husband, making his breakfast and coffee, getting his lunch together for him. Plus it was a few quite minutes we got to share without the kids. It’s made such a difference in not only my husband’s day but my day too. I can have my time for a few minutes to wake up drink my coffee, maybe do some blogging uninterrupted. It’s been so nice then I am ready for the little guy to wake up and we have our fun morning routine together.

Another thing I’ve learned over the year, it’s not hard to keep yourself busy at all when your a Domesticated Goddess. As any Goddess knows kids demand a lot of attention from you and it’s a constant battle all day to keep the house clean, meals cooked, kids entertained, and your shear sanity.


I also try to plan special things for us to do during the week, like a play date with friends, picnic in the park, or a trip to the zoo. We have our play time each day but I try to throw in some different activities so neither of us gets stir crazy.

This past year has been such a blessing to get to spend this time with my son, yes there are days when I think we are both sick of each other. I wouldn’t change it for a second and getting to spend more time on being a wife has also had it’s rewards.

My son starts Kindergarten this fall (yes I am freaking out!) so I am sure there will be some adjustment there and new things to learn to do with my time while he is at school. However, I am really excited that I will be able to volunteer at his school and be more involved there too. I was also sad as a kid that my mom wasn’t able to because she worked, however my mom is amazing and was always there for performances and taught me hard work.

I still get asked every so often if I am over being at home, and my answer is heck no! I love this life, I always thought I wanted some big career and wasn’t sure if I even wanted kids. Now I couldn’t imagine any other job than being a mom its brought me more joy than I could have asked for. Being a mom doesn’t define who I am as a person but I am found a real joy in my life and I am looking forward to more years as a Domesticated Goddess.

Thank you for reading!

Modern Dad Pages

Common misconceptions when you have boys


Since the day I found out I was having a boy, I cannot count how many times I have been told “Be glad you have all boys they are so much easier than girls”. Yes, I had my stepson who was 7 when I came along so I didn’t get to go through all the baby and toddler phases with him. I kept thinking even from what I have experienced with my stepson it did not seem like boys were easier than girls.

Now with my son going to turn 6 in a few months and my other son is now 17 years old, yea I still don’t get what all those crazy people where talking about. Granted I don’t have a girl but I grew up in a house of mostly girls and most of my cousins I spent my  childhood with were girls. So I feel pretty educated in the drama of girls and how we work. And the fact that I am a pretty girly girl and high maintenance that stuff would not bother me.

So don’t get me wrong I would not trade my boys for anything they are the best but they are not these simple creatures everyone states they are. Obviously not all children are the same but this has been my experience and in talking with friends who also have boys we laugh about the misconceptions.

Things you did not realize when raising a boy:

-Boys wine just as much as girls, there are days when I want to run away there is so much wining in my house.

-Boys like playing dress up also, yes it may just be with super hero costumes but my son could give any girl a run for their money when it comes to playing dress up with his costumes.

-Boys change their clothes as many times a day as girls. Most people say boys don’t care what they wear or look like well not in my house. I remember when my stepson was about 8 or 9 and we were getting ready to go somewhere and he broke down crying because he thought his pants made him look fat. I was dumb founded that boys get upset over these things too? Now the 5 yr old, heaven help me. He changes his clothes so many times a day, he has to wear a certain outfit for playtime, for going to the store, any number of things. It has become a battle with him getting dressed because he has to pick the outfit and if he feels it doesn’t match of makes him look silly there is a complete meltdown.

-Boys like shopping for clothes, this may completely be my fault on this one. My 5 year old gets so excited to pick out new clothes and shoes and he is very particular about his style and surprisingly does a very good job.


-Boys are very sensitive too. This applies more to my stepson, he is very sensitive and gets his feelings hurt very easily. My husband and I have to watch how we say things because he tends to get his feelings hurt. This can be exhausting sometimes since I am pretty thick skinned and so is my husband. We have to make sure he knows we are just kidding with him.

-Boys are drama, boys have meltdowns and drama just as much as girls. Whether its the teenager getting mad because we won’t let him be out all night on a school night or the 5 year old running to his room and slamming the door and opening it and re-slamming it to make sure we know he is upset with us.

So are they easier I don’t think so, I think raising a child period is challenging. So everyone who tells me boys are just so easy, I just have to laugh to myself. I am very thankful that they are good kids and very well mannered but that comes from my husband and I teaching our children the importance of that. So misconceptions and all I love my boys and would have it any other way.

Modern Dad Pages


My Random Musings

The no good very bad weekend

bad day

If you read my post the other day I eluded to last week being a crazy week, oh wow what a weekend we had. Last week started out with my stepson having shoulder surgery, and getting him taken care of. Which this wasn’t really a big deal everything went well and I just had to run him around to follow up appointments while also trying to get everything ready for us heading out of town. So things had been a bit chaotic while also trying to keep my 5 year old entertained. We all know how much children love having to sit through boring doctor appointments and running to several stores.

So we loaded up our fifth wheel trailer and headed for southern Utah for the annual Hot Air Balloon Festival in Panguitch, UT. It’s a small town near Bryce Canyon and I have family down there and have spent my whole life traveling down there. It’s one of my favorite places in Utah to be, not only does it have that small town charm there its close to all the national parks. So there is an abundance of things to do and see.


The trip started off fine, and we decided to stop for lunch on the way since its about a 4 hour drive. We pulled in to a gas station which we knew had a large parking area for semi-trucks and the gas station had an Wendy’s attached so we could get lunch. Just as we pulled into the parking lot my husband was turning the truck and trailer around to park it. When we heard a crunch! We both looked at each other sick, and my husband let out some choice words. My husband had turned too tightly and when you have a fifth wheel trailer it sits in the bed of your truck and you cannot turn to sharply or the trailer can hit the truck. Well that’s exactly what happened, the trailer had crunched the top of the cab of our truck and cracked the fifth wheel as well. My poor husband sat in disbelief as we assessed the damage to our truck and trailer, he could not believe what he had just done. We are always so overly careful with out things and pride ourselves in taking really good care of the things we have.

There was nothing we could do at this point what had happened, happened. So we continued inside and got everyone lunch (by the way I had a salad as to stay on track with my diet, pretty proud of myself that I turned down French fries).

We had to stay in Circleville, UT where my husband is from its about 30 miles north of Panguitch all of the RV parks were full from the festival. So we got settled in and visited with family the first night, then we planned the next morning to get up early and head over to Panguitch so we could see the parade and let the kids play at the festivities, then watch the balloon glow that evening.

Then about 3am my 5 year started to yell at me and say “mom, mom I just threw up all over my pillow”, as most of us parents know with sick kids its always fun being woken up in the middle of night to those words. So not only did I have to clean that up, my little guy sleeps on a high bunk bed in our trailer which did not make for an easy clean up when your half a sleep.

Well he continued to throw up all night, which is awful when you’re a parent and you cannot do anything but hold them. We hoped he would feel better and we could head over to the festivities, but morning came and he still continued to be ill. He was so upset we missed the parade and he couldn’t go play with his cousins, it was so sad. We continued to wait it out to see if he would get better but that did not happen. It wasn’t until about 6:30 that even that he perked up and was able to keep anything down. I am pretty sure it was food poisoning since he had no fever or chills. Which I believe he got when we stopped for food when we had the accident with our trailer. That place was obviously cursed for us.

So we went all that way to have to fix our trailer and get a sick kid. We missed all the festivities, so the weekend was definitely a bust. We tried to make the best of it since that’s all you can do at that point, but man when it rains it pours.

Now home we have gotten a few quotes to repair the damage to our truck and trailer and it just makes me ill the cost that these repair shops try to charge.

We are heading back out this weekend for the 4th of July and I am hoping for better results this weekend, we could use a break. Wish us luck!

Modern Dad Pages
My Random Musings

Getting my Sexy Back…..


Last week we were out with friends at a Beer Festival (yes I know shocking Utah actually has events that involve alcohol), we started talking about our friends big birthday celebration that is coming up in September. We are planning on doing some camping up at Bear Lake and going out on the lake. I dread being in a swimsuit since having my son, I put one on for the first time in 4 years last summer, yes I said 4 years. It’s not really the weight per say that bothers me its the stretch marks I got on my legs that make me self conscious. I blew up like a balloon with water weight while I was pregnant, I was so swollen I swear you could have poked me with a pin and would have popped. I felt like Violet Beauregard (minus the blue color) from Willy Wonka, it was awful.


Anyway we all began saying how we would like to loose some additional weight by September but as we have all done, you start to diet and exercise then you fall off the wagon. So we came up with a plan a contest between the four of us, who ever looses the most body fat % by September wins. To make the wager more enticing we are all putting money in, so not only to you get the bragging rights of winning you also win some cash. My husband is very competitive so he is determined to win, but I definitely do not want to be the one to lose because I will never hear the end of it from my husband.

Another friend in the group owns a Medical Spa and does weight loss consulting, she is not part of the contest because she already looks amazing. So we nominated her to be our judge, and since she has the fancy equipment that could weigh us we all went down to her clinic to get the official weigh in that way there can not be any cheating.

So as of Monday we have started our journey, my husband and I are not doing a specific diet since most diets don’t usually work. We wanted to make an overall lifestyle change, so we are cutting out any added sugars and processed carbs. I am on day #5 of my sugar detox and I think I am finally coming out of the crazy grouchiness I have been experiencing the last few days. Yesterday was the hardest I literally felt like I may hurt someone for a piece of chocolate. It also doesn’t help that Aunt Flo is about to visit and as any woman knows, not being able to have sweets during that time can cause you to be bitch witch.


I have been working out for the past few months already trying to get myself in shape for summer, but I have only been doing a couple times a week. I struggle with working out because I grew up dancing my whole life and never had to exercise since that was my exercise. I absolutely hate running more than anything in this world even when I was in amazing shape I hated it. I don’t understand these people who love it. Thankfully many new programs have come out in the last few years like Zumba, and Cardio Barre. I have been doing Cardio Barre for the last few months and I absolutely love it! I am increase how many times a week I am doing it now, I have done it 4 times this week already.

I also hope to get back in shape so I can start teaching Zumba again, I taught Zumba for 5 years but my career got in the way of being able to teach so I had to give up my classes. That was hard to do plus I have since gained back some weight I had lost so frustrating.

So my goal is to lose 19lbs by September 5th, that’s not a ton but still enough to be hard. I will keep you updated on my progress, don’t expect selfies though I am not a selfie person. Maybe I will give in if I make my goal weight but we will see.

Modern Dad Pages

Kids driving me to drink literally…

This week may drive me to brink of insanity, oh wait I think I’ve already gone insane. As those of us with kids know children will push your limits and drive you to drink literally. Some days they are precious Angels and others they are Satan.

We have 17 and 5 year old and honestly there isn’t much difference between a toddler and a teenager. They both throw tantrums, wine about everything, they don’t listen, and they push their limits.  I love both kids more than anything but I think this week my husband and I may lock ourselves away.

The week started out with our oldest running away from home. Yes, running away after an argument with his Dad. Things have come to a boiling point with the teenager because he has been telling us for months he wants to join the Marines but he has not done any of things we had asked him to do before we will support this life changing decision. Not to mention his grades have not been very good, and its due to him not turning in his assignments. So we have been pushing him to take care of things and he is upset with us saying we are making him miserable. Really? Oh teenagers they have it so hard.

The hardest part with our teen is that anytime your a little hard on him he can’t take it because his mom has always just let him do whatever he wants, so now that he has actual parents who care about his future he thinks we are the mean ones. You can check out my rant on the EX earlier in the week. It’s so frustrating to know your kids can do better and they are selling themselves short due to bad habits someone else has instilled in them.

Now the 5 year old this week has just been pushing ever limit possible, the attitude that has started to come out of this kid shocks me some days. I have been trying to get him to pick up his room for 4 days now and I am not winning. At one point I even told him I would just take all his toys away (I know not the mature thing to do, but he pushed me to that). The 5 year Old’s response ” Fine take my toys I don’t care, my papa will buy me new ones”. Damn those grandparents sometimes! I love they love to spoil but that totally backfired in my face 😦  Let me just say we are not the parents who let our kids do whatever they want or are we not crazy strict we just try to make our kids accountable and learn good manners.

We have two of the most challenging ages going on in our household right now and I may turn myself into the looney bin. I know kids are not perfect all the time and overall we are extremely lucky because they are both great kids overall but wow this week it was a little much all at once. I blame it on the full moon earlier this week, I swear everyone goes crazy that week.

Anyway I ranted now I feel better and I know you other parents out there can feel my pain, now to drink my glass of wine as my reward for making it through the week alive.

Domestic Momster
Modern Dad Pages